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"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." -- “Oscar Wilde”


summertime...and the livin' easy
@ Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6/14/2006 01:28:00 AM

HOLA people!!!
Who would have said holidays would be this great? I'm so enjoying the rediscovered joys of waking up in the afternoon without having to panic about a day studying ahead, or rushing my ass off to work...

I was in Singapore last week...It seems like eternity ago since I last visited Singapore...you know arriving at the land of thousand kiasu-es(haha got this from a kid when i was on my way home),walking in a clean street,crazy shopping frenzy...2 words for my trip this time...It rocked...4 more words...it rocked so hard!!!..haha things are wonderful to me there...

This trip is mainly about food...chicken rice,Katong laksa,chilli crabs,durians,bah kua-s,MOS burgers,7-eleven mashed potatoes(I'm not kidding...it's heaven...seriously that good)...Ding Tai Feng's siao long pao(It's one of the top 10 best restaurants in the world by the New York Time..picture that)...and the highlight... my new grand-aunt cookings...those dumplings..original Shandong cuisine...I had that everyday...my goodness it's wonderful...

  1. The Esplanade Singapore...those clean street...
  2. me and my new chinese grand-aunt...
  3. dumplings...i had about 35 of those everyday...OMG i'm drooling
  4. Ding Tai Feng's famous siao long pao
  5. Gwen and her husband...Did I mention that she's Marion Caunter's(8tv Quickie host and Osim spokesperson) cousin...I'm her cousin 2...so that means i'm kinda related to Marion...latest discovery...greatness...
  6. Gwen's son...Ming Den my new nephew...damn he calls me UNCLE...so not ready...haha he's so cute...
  7. Chilli Crab
  8. Katong laksa...it's oh so good...it's diff from our local laksa...gotta try it...
  9. Azlina's workplace...The Regent Singapore

The reunion with my best friend...Azlina...well let's just say time changed a person...She's weird...Good weird to be sure, but a little surreal all the same.The make up,the way she talks...her nyaring voice is not so nyaring anymore...Well she's now a servicing operator in a 5 star hotel...imagine that...haha....it's great meeting her we had lots of fast food...and we cam-whored...haha..She's still great... friends 4eva gal!!!

  1. haha the original TVTBM pose...
  2. jumpin!!! yes it's outside Takashimaya,Orchard Rd...haha crazy
  3. the ugly side of Ms. Zimbabwe...
  4. in the bus...double decked
  5. after Swensen...
  6. McD...damn..I lost a bunch of souvenirs there...

So...I was happy happy happy...happy happy happy...yes Singapore rocked...

Some Random Fun Stuff~

10/06/06 - Pimpin' Goonie's lousy car Ride...haha



Our private drinking party...haha sounds so posh...

well...it's a great nite in...nobody is drunk...Only Ben flushed...Ruth's still itchin till now...Dave is pretty fine....I heard that he missed his flight...haha I'm good...

So that's it~