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"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." -- “Oscar Wilde”


@ Saturday, June 03, 2006 6/03/2006 05:37:00 PM

At some point of yesterday evening...i met up with suat puoi...yup both of us are leaving 'home' pretty soon and we all hv different thoughts about it...which resulted my melodramatic post last night...and yes...she's so prepared...me??worrying about all kinds of things..problems...damn i'm already stressed out ...I have nothing to keep me busy and all i do all day long is just thinking and freaked myself out...We all start of our life with a dream...don't we??that's a very intriguing question...i'm not sure i've done enough research to have a definitive opinion...to me the reality is another story...life is cruel...it gets me thinking...where did other people get this energy??focus??no fear?...u see the one thing u can't have is fear...and for the first time in my life i'm afraid...you see a part of me is always afraid of leaving ...what happens then??you know what i'll probably let all my stress go ...I've decided and everything is set ...now it was just only the beginning...I'm a hard ass and i know that...so this is it... JUST SERVE RAYMOND!!!! And, uh... this is a pretty pointless post...