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"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." -- “Oscar Wilde”


We seek Security and Revenge
@ Saturday, May 20, 2006 5/20/2006 01:34:00 AM

to the f*king black bitch dat try to sell me da pair of bad adidas replica...not going into the details...

Is tearing people down giving you so much satisfaction that you just have to do it over and over again? Do you actually find pleasure in doing that?go get a life...here's a thought of mine if you are willing to listen...

What doesn't kill me
makes me stronger.

I believe in that quote. But I hate to think that this is not how I feel each time people manage to cause me so much discomfort. It sickens me.My heart literally hurts whenever I'm not alright now. I know what I must do. Doesn't make it easier, but at least I know what I'm up against...

now, back 2 u black bitch...take your opinions and shove it up your fucking asshole.you mindless freaks with no control over your own pathetic lives. i juz hope dat ur f*kin mouth switch 2 ur big f*kin asshole...and try selling shoes with dat...YOU BLOODY DOG!!! trust me he totally deserves dat(don ask why)...and may god bless that..haha...

my goodness ...i actually does feel good and better typin and reading da paragraph above...haha...HATE is a four letter words...g'nite peeps!!!