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"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." -- “Oscar Wilde”


@ Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10/25/2006 08:29:00 PM

Watched a shitload of movies the past few days ...Well, I'm no movie critic that's for sure, but I'm happy to share what I've watched. I watched the funniest CNY movie ever...and it's called 家有喜事 All Well Ends Well (1994) starring Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng etc etc. This movie has the usual Stephen Chow formula which is also usually successful for making me laugh so hard I'm clutching the covers of my bed. This movie never fail to make me laugh uncontrollably everytime watching it...It's dat FUNNY.I really appreciate Stephen Chow's work...Yes, I've watched a shitload of movie...90% of them are Stephen Chow's...Not only Stephen Chow is a such a good actor, he is also a good director...Hmph totally bring back memories of watching Kung Fu Hustle with Puoi and gang back in Klang...I'm totally a Stephen Chow fanatic now...I wanna watch all his shows... and laugh my lungs out...Now the other 10%...It's a chinese classic I've just watched...Farewell, My Concubine starring Gong Li and Leslie Cheung. I'm not a fan of chinese classic...I will fall asleep in the cinema...I don't like Hero, and all the Zhang Yimou shit...But this show is FANTASTIC and extra-ordinarily moving....I've basically fallen in love with Gong Li (The finest chinese actress before Zhang Ziyi, I mean Zhang Ziyi?).She's amazing, I'm going to go find a few of her other movies.I must say though, that I am extremely impressed by Leslie Cheung,on how tragically he portray Dieyi's life...Haha I'm definitely going to pose with Leslie Cheung wax if i happen to visit the Madame Tussauds,Hong Kong next year...since I'm a lazy writer, go google for more insightful reviews, or else, just catch the show...haha